Sending Multipart / Form Data with InvokeHTTP in Apache NiFi 1.12

Apache NiFi InvokeHTTP processor is described as: An HTTP client processor which can interact with a configurable HTTP Endpoint. The destination URL and HTTP Method are configurable. FlowFile attributes are converted to HTTP headers and the FlowFile contents are included as the body of the request (if the HTTP Method is PUT, POST or PATCH). Before today, it did not support the POST method with multipart/form data. But with the landing of a pull request today, it does. This feature is now on master, and should be available in the next release (1.12). You can now send: Just form data ( name / value pairs ) Form data and the FlowFile content ( optionally setting the file name attribute ) Just the FlowFile content Since NiFi has processors to handle multipart/form data requests already, we'll be able to test it out completely in NiFi. Our simple flow * it is assumed that the reader is familiar with Apache Nifi enough to add processors and configure co...